February 18, 2021
Agencies are honoring the Black community with special initiatives and celebrations coinciding with February’s Black History Month (BHM).
Chemistry is using the month to launch a year-long social series, “Generation Now: Real Answers with Alchemy'' to highlight intersectionality and inclusion within the agency. The social series, developed by the agency's DEI unit, Alchemy, asks questions like, "How can I advocate for diversity in the advertising industry as a rookie?" to provide insight into what it’s like being Black or a person of color as well as other underrepresented groups, such as LGBTQ+ and females.
In addition, the agency’s “Off the Rails” series will welcome Jazmyn Burrell, senior creative strategist at Snapchat to discuss the use of the Ebonics language in the ad industry on Thursday, February 25.
Chemistry is inviting team members to participate in the “Traveling While Black” virtual reality experience. The 20-minute film is available in both Atlanta and Pittsburgh offices for the remainder of February. Despite the ongoing pandemic, the team decided this particular storytelling wouldn’t be the same remotely so they’ve created a COVID-safe space for employees to view this content. After viewing the 360-video, viewers are asked to answer a few short survey questions using a QR code displayed. These responses will be used to guide a discussion at a later date.
Butler, Shine, Stern & Partners (BSSP) is joining forces with FitPros to highlight Black wellness experts and Black business partners throughout the month. An Upcoming session invites team members to learn more about meditation with Kimberlee Morrison.
Burrell Communications Group is celebrating its 50th anniversary as a multicultural agency with the “50 Acts of Kindness” community initiative to help support local organizations.
The Agency's first "act of kindness" will be a donation to the homeless center Primo Center. The initiative will also support groups such as 100 Black Men and My Block, My Hood, My City, as well as faith-based organizations and Chicago-based food banks, among others.
RAPP’s ReLearn program will host “Frequently Black Questions” to invite 5-6 RAPPers from around the network to respond and react to questions and issues submitted anonymously.
RAPP will then be stitching the answers together to create a single ReLearn guide. Questions will include “How have your actions, life and world perspective changed, since the racial awakening this past summer?”
The agency is also holding the “Black Reality Briefing” panel on February 24 with marketing leaders discussing ways to accelerate progress within the industry toward racial equity. As a part of RAPP’s Black Reality Month, leaders are seeking clients and partners to participate in these talks.
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