February 14, 2020
By: Nayani Vive, VP, Business Development
Creating a piece of content to stand out among all the others that consumers interact with daily is difficult. It’s a zoo out here. But all is not lost: A vibrant, punchy, interesting piece that makes people stop scrolling can be pulled off quite effectively via video.
The attention-grabbing powers of video defeat the ad-agnosticism many consumers have built up against traditional marketing efforts like display banners and commercials. According to The State of Video Marketing 2018, more than half of consumers engage with a brand after seeing one of its videos on social media.
But if you’re utilizing only one type of content to get your message out there, then your company is missing out on a lot of marketing opportunities. Today’s customers want brands that stand up for individuality. They also are nimble and nuanced in their media consumption — from on-demand streaming services and weekly podcasts to news feeds and social apps. Therefore, a company’s marketing team should be researching and experimenting with multiple mediums in order to reach individuals where they are — at the right time, in the right place and in the right way(s).
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It doesn’t take an analyst or consultant to know that video has taken over as the most desired marketing medium. Video marketing engagement has been projected to drive more than 80% of this year’s internet traffic. Yet some companies have been lagging behind on fully implementing video and it’s hard for them to catch back up, due in part to the endless ways to identify, develop, test, and optimize your brand’s unique video style and voice.
Video is appealing because you can break some traditional marketing rules and create specific, targeted videos tailored to all of your audiences. Would a mock music video catch the eye of your consumers? What about an encompassing brand story? Maybe you target it to your audience on Instagram or you share it on your Twitter timeline with all of your brand’s followers. It’s important to tailor your video efforts to the platform and audience by staying up-to-date on video marketing engagement trends.
The future of your customer engagement depends on it. Video trends are changing quickly. In order to be relevant and interesting to your customers, you must have the content they seek and promote the power of individuality. The only way a company’s marketing team can stay on top of those trends is to have the resources ready to go at a moment’s notice.
So what does the future of video marketing hold? No one can be entirely sure, but I have a couple of predictions as to what may be on the horizon:
For one, videos are about to become very native. Some powerful examples include HelloFresh’s Instagram video content, Home Depot’s “Spring Reboot” campaign video on home design website Apartment Therapy, and Oreo’s video that recreated the opening sequence of “Game of Thrones” with thousands of cookies. This is compelling content that gets noticed. Considering that native advertising was projected to reach $41.1 billion in 2019 (61% of all digital display advertising in the U.S.), there is a wealth of opportunity through video to create high-quality content that promotes individuality — and your brand in a genuine, organic way.
Try a web series covering topics related to your industry, a mini documentary, or maybe even a full-length scripted show. With all of the streaming outlets and the voracious appetite for fresh video content, there’s never been more opportunity to think and act creatively.
Secondly, viewers will measure their time with your brand in terms of quality, not quantity. Less is often more, especially if a short video that promotes individuality packs a powerful punch. But a recent Pew Research study finds that YouTube’s algorithm actually favors longer video content.
Preferred video lengths will likely continue to change, but don’t feel pressured to shorten or lengthen your message just to fit a time slot. What’s most important for video content is that you speak to your audience in a way that best fits the platform you’re reaching them through. Becoming fluent in all of your audiences’ languages is certainly a pressing priority, but if you master just one, it’s impossible to argue against video.